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My treatment room

Get to know my space

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My treatment room


I massage from my home in South East Bristol - Brislington/Knowle. I have a large private, warm, clean space with lots of natural light and my plant babies to cleanse the air. 

My bathroom is next door to my massage room and the toilet is available for clients to use. 

 My couch

Apart from my hands, my couch is my most important piece of equipment.

My couch was purchased new in 2021. It is fully hydraulic, making it easy to get on and off because it can drop down close to the floor. It can support up to 250kg (39 stone) and is extra wide and double padded for extra comfort. 

On cold days, you can enjoy the electric blanket to keep you warm and snuggly.

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My futon

I have a large extra padded cotton futon (designed for massage) for treatments on the floor. This is especially useful for postnatal massage when the baby is present - it can allow for breastfeeding or cuddling during the treatment. 

It can also be useful for clients who may not feel comfortable working on my couch. Working close to the earth is very grounding and an excellent way to treat anxiety while being massaged.

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There are 16 steps to get into the house, then a further 15 to get upstairs to my treatment room.

I also do home visits to homes in South Bristol if it's easier for me to come to you. I charge £10 extra for this service. For any questions about accessibility, please don't hesitate to get in touch.


I have a Level 1 qualification in British Sign Language, and am currently studying my Level 2. If you are D/deaf, we can communicate in BSL but you may have to sign slowly for me!

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